Monday, March 7, 2022

University of florida essay

University of florida essay

Honors Program. For example, if you mentioned that your dream is to be a doctor, try to highlight experiences that reflect that, such as volunteering at a hospital. For whatever you do include, don't turn it into a rant or whine about the work you did. Prompt 2: Have you participated in or been assisted in your college preparation and search by programs outside of the classroom, such as Educational Talent Search, Take Stock in Children, Upward Bound, Boys and Girls Club, etc.? Remember, this prompt is asking four key questions, so you have a lot to cover in only words, university of florida essay. And remember, the best essay topic for you is going university of florida essay be the one that you are most excited to write about.

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The University of Florida has four supplemental essay prompts for all students. Since the University of Florida receives thousands of applications from academically strong students, your essays are your opportunity to stand out. Want to know your chances at the University of Florida? Calculate your chances for free right now. Prompt 1: Do you have any employment or family obligations that limit your participation in extracurricular activities? If so, university of florida essay, university of florida essay describe. Prompt 2: Have you participated in or been assisted in your college preparation and search by programs outside of the classroom, such as Educational Talent Search, Take Stock in Children, Upward Bound, Boys and Girls Club, etc.?

Prompt 3: Please provide more details on your most meaningful commitment outside of the classroom while in high school and explain why it was meaningful. This could be related to an extracurricular activity, work, volunteering, an academic activity, family responsibility, or any other non-classroom activity. University of florida essay 4: Is there any additional information or extenuating circumstances the Admissions Committee should know when reviewing your application? Prompt 1: Why is applying for the UF Honors Program important to you? How would you engage with the program to exemplify these pillars yourself? How does the program factor into your long-term goals? Please be specific.

Prompt 2: Identify two topics you have previously studied that do not traditionally overlap. How do you envision you might bring these topics together during your time in Honors to engage a pressing societal, medical or technological concern? The concern you wish to engage could be of local, national or global scope, but you should be clear about the issue you want to address. For the purposes of this essay, the topics you identify need not have been formally studied in high school, but you should have studied them since beginning in high school. This is similar to the Additional Information section listed in the Common App. Some potential obligations involve working to contribute financially to your family, taking care of an ill relative, or babysitting younger siblings.

As a result, we both had to take on additional jobs to make ends meet, so I briefly left the Robotics Team throughout the second semester and summer following junior year. Instead, I worked at a local grocery store after school and on the weekends, learning how to work efficiently under pressure while supporting my family. This prompt is straightforward and simple. It requires you to list your involvement in programs that have helped university of florida essay with your college search outside of schooland it also asks you to list the details and benefits of your involvement in the program s. While I was involved in the program, university of florida essay, I was paired with a volunteer mentor and received frequent college readiness coaching. My mentor, James, university of florida essay, was an undergraduate student at the University of Florida.

James helped me understand the importance of college and he encouraged me to pursue a Bachelor of Music degree at the University of Florida. I am grateful for how my involvement with Take Stock in Children has impacted my future education and aspirations. This student does a great job at answering the prompt. He lists the program name Take Stock in Children and the duration junior and senior year that he participated in the program. He also includes the details of his involvement volunteer mentor and college readiness coaching and most importantly, the benefits of their involvement how his relationship with James inspired him to apply for college as a music major. Here are some ideas of the types of topics you can write about:.

Choosing the wrong activity. Writing a shallow response. Listing your accomplishments, university of florida essay. Instead of listing your accomplishments, provide a unique perspective by sharing how the activity impacts your current life and your aspirations for the future. I loved finding the perfect assortment of crackers, fruit, cheeses, and jams to arrange into beautiful boards, but more importantly, I enjoyed networking with people at each event I worked. After a few months, I began to receive so many referrals that I decided to start a small business. Managing my schoolwork, sports schedule, leadership roles, and my small business required me to develop excellent time management skills.

I also learned about the financial aspects of running a business—from how to manage cash flow, balance costs, and pay taxes—and how to leverage social media, paid ads, and other marketing channels to promote my business. Prior to my sophomore year, I had aspirations of becoming a doctor. However, after starting my charcuterie business, I realized my interests in finance, university of florida essay, marketing, and business lent themselves to a future in entrepreneurship. You could also talk about a personal story or history that has affected you greatly. You may even discuss a previously unmentioned extracurricular activity that says a lot about you. This is a wonderfully free space for you to dive into whichever information you feel will give the admissions team the most complete version of your identity.

The Honors Program offers many unique opportunities to its students, including honors-specific course selections and their respective professors, smaller class sizes, sponsorship for study abroad programs, undergraduate research, unique internship programs, and specialized university of florida essay. This wealth of opportunity is abundantly available to Honors College students, but the University of Florida is looking for students who will actually push themselves to engage with said opportunities. Of course, you should incorporate concrete examples of what UF has to offer here, but notice how they ask you to engage with their core values in chasing after your goals. Remember, this prompt is asking four key questions, so you have a lot to cover in only words.

Write concisely and try to tie related ideas together. We recommend starting off with a brief introduction stating what drew you to apply—i. Perhaps you felt unchallenged academically in your high school, so you would like a more rigorous education, or you cherished your close academic relationships with your university of florida essay school teachers and you would like to pursue meaningful relationships with your new professors as well. The Honors Program offers an array of opportunities, each of which may be viewed as contributing to values of opportunity, community, and challenge.

For example, study abroad program sponsorships foster a greater university of florida essay of global community, while rigorous course selections and research are both opportunities and challenges. Write with enthusiasm, curiosity, and energy to convey your genuine excitement about each aspect university of florida essay this program. You also need to explain how engaging with the pillar you chose will play into your long-term goals. For example, a prospective engineer may write about how challenging themselves through the mandatory Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering thesis project which requires completion of a written thesis and research will make them a better writer and analytical thinker, spark their innate curiosity, university of florida essay, and make them a more resilient and focused engineer.

Opportunity: Quite literally every offering under this program, from course selection to mentorship to internships, is an opportunity, so we recommend focusing on how you will use it to achieve your goals. The first, just how many patients spoke Spanish. The second, just how few doctors were bilingual. At the University of Florida, I will have the opportunity to learn beyond the confines of the campus walls by studying abroad in Merida, university of florida essay, Mexico. There is university of florida essay better way to establish bilingual fluency than to immerse myself in the Spanish language culture by living with a family in Merida.

This unique opportunity will allow me to build upon the mechanical grammar and semantics I studied in high school by developing a rich, well-rounded, cultural understanding of the people who might one day be my patients. After taking advantage of the opportunity to immerse myself in the Mexican culture, I will be well equipped to return to my community in Florida and open a clinic that offers equal access to native English and Spanish speakers. It entails a love of people, and with it, a willingness to connect and communicate with them in a way that allows them to university of florida essay up and receive the quality care they deserve. This essay works for a few university of florida essay. Sophia highlights a past experience that reveals the roots of her motivation to learn Spanish and a simultaneous passion for her career path paired with a desire to succeed.

She exemplifies why the UF study-abroad program appeals to her since it offers a unique opportunity to live with a host family. Community: Community is a wide-spanning term, and you can build it almost anywhere within the honors program, especially considering its small class sizes, mentorship opportunities, student organizations, and study abroad programs. Consider this sample from John, an applicant planning to join the PRISM Honors Student Magazine:. My hands were shaking so bad I could barely write down quotes.

My bobbing knee kept thumping against the table. I was so preoccupied with preparing my next question I forget to listen to what my interviewee had to say, university of florida essay. Suffice to say, I went back to the editor of our school newspaper empty handed. Here was a freshman too shy and anxious to conduct a simple interview. Instead, the scary senior editor told me not to worry and meet him tomorrow after school. To my surprise, rather than being chastised, I gained a mentor. Over the course of multiple after-school meetings, my mentor helped me relax and get comfortable interviewing. He invited other students in the club who were struggling to learn from him as well. He helped us talk and listen to others, not just during a formal interview, but during our free time as well.

I became a part of the newspaper community thanks to my mentor. As a journalism major and PRISM contributor, I hope to find that same sense of community, surrounded by a like-minded group of individuals. This desire to create quality and to collaborate creatively will push and enhance my skills in written and verbal communication, making me a stronger and more empathetic journalist and community member. The common thread of journalism both in high school and on campus shows his dedicated to this community. Challenge: Surprise, surprise!

Being an honors student will challenge you and hold you up to high academic and personal standards. Here, you will have to develop a strong work ethic, time management skills, and even interpersonal skills as you engage with your professors and peers. Write with specificity about how you expect to be challenged in your own way and where it will take you. The boy sat in a chair. These letters never meant anything more to me than the composite parts that made up a rudimentary word every university of florida essay learns. My parents taught me what they knew, and the combination of S, A, and T made the word sat. As the daughter of two high-school graduates, I never shared these experiences.

Just because I faced these disadvantages, does not mean I let it hold me back. While my classmates relied on their parents to tell them what extracurriculars to take and which SAT tutor to hire, I scoured the Internet each night finding free practice tests, informational blog posts, and descriptive YouTube videos that guided me through this complicated process. I know I university of florida essay again be in the minority at the University of Florida as a first-generation student, but again I will not let this set-back influence my potential for success, university of florida essay. The Honors First Generation organization will provide me with mentorship my freshman year to make the transition to college more feasible.

I hope to get involved with this organization as an upperclassman and give back to my fellow first-generation students as a leader and mentor. It might take a little more initiative university of florida essay my part, but I refuse to let my past disadvantage my future. Her story shows how she overcomes a challenge rather than letting it get the best of her.

mega essay

Some potential obligations involve working to contribute financially to your family, taking care of an ill relative, or babysitting younger siblings. As a result, we both had to take on additional jobs to make ends meet, so I briefly left the Robotics Team throughout the second semester and summer following junior year. Instead, I worked at a local grocery store after school and on the weekends, learning how to work efficiently under pressure while supporting my family. This prompt is straightforward and simple. It requires you to list your involvement in programs that have helped you with your college search outside of school , and it also asks you to list the details and benefits of your involvement in the program s. While I was involved in the program, I was paired with a volunteer mentor and received frequent college readiness coaching.

My mentor, James, was an undergraduate student at the University of Florida. James helped me understand the importance of college and he encouraged me to pursue a Bachelor of Music degree at the University of Florida. I am grateful for how my involvement with Take Stock in Children has impacted my future education and aspirations. This student does a great job at answering the prompt. He lists the program name Take Stock in Children and the duration junior and senior year that he participated in the program. He also includes the details of his involvement volunteer mentor and college readiness coaching and most importantly, the benefits of their involvement how his relationship with James inspired him to apply for college as a music major.

Here are some ideas of the types of topics you can write about:. Choosing the wrong activity. Writing a shallow response. Listing your accomplishments. Instead of listing your accomplishments, provide a unique perspective by sharing how the activity impacts your current life and your aspirations for the future. I loved finding the perfect assortment of crackers, fruit, cheeses, and jams to arrange into beautiful boards, but more importantly, I enjoyed networking with people at each event I worked. After a few months, I began to receive so many referrals that I decided to start a small business. Managing my schoolwork, sports schedule, leadership roles, and my small business required me to develop excellent time management skills.

I also learned about the financial aspects of running a business—from how to manage cash flow, balance costs, and pay taxes—and how to leverage social media, paid ads, and other marketing channels to promote my business. Prior to my sophomore year, I had aspirations of becoming a doctor. However, after starting my charcuterie business, I realized my interests in finance, marketing, and business lent themselves to a future in entrepreneurship. You could also talk about a personal story or history that has affected you greatly. You may even discuss a previously unmentioned extracurricular activity that says a lot about you. This is a wonderfully free space for you to dive into whichever information you feel will give the admissions team the most complete version of your identity.

The Honors Program offers many unique opportunities to its students, including honors-specific course selections and their respective professors, smaller class sizes, sponsorship for study abroad programs, undergraduate research, unique internship programs, and specialized advising. This wealth of opportunity is abundantly available to Honors College students, but the University of Florida is looking for students who will actually push themselves to engage with said opportunities. Of course, you should incorporate concrete examples of what UF has to offer here, but notice how they ask you to engage with their core values in chasing after your goals. Remember, this prompt is asking four key questions, so you have a lot to cover in only words.

Write concisely and try to tie related ideas together. We recommend starting off with a brief introduction stating what drew you to apply—i. Perhaps you felt unchallenged academically in your high school, so you would like a more rigorous education, or you cherished your close academic relationships with your high school teachers and you would like to pursue meaningful relationships with your new professors as well. The Honors Program offers an array of opportunities, each of which may be viewed as contributing to values of opportunity, community, and challenge. For example, study abroad program sponsorships foster a greater sense of global community, while rigorous course selections and research are both opportunities and challenges. Write with enthusiasm, curiosity, and energy to convey your genuine excitement about each aspect of this program.

You also need to explain how engaging with the pillar you chose will play into your long-term goals. For example, a prospective engineer may write about how challenging themselves through the mandatory Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering thesis project which requires completion of a written thesis and research will make them a better writer and analytical thinker, spark their innate curiosity, and make them a more resilient and focused engineer. Opportunity: Quite literally every offering under this program, from course selection to mentorship to internships, is an opportunity, so we recommend focusing on how you will use it to achieve your goals.

The University of Florida requires the following sections:. Complete the UF Supplement. This includes a few additional short-answer questions so that we can learn more about you when reviewing your application. Complete the essay questions. The essay helps our admissions staff get to know you better. And remember, the best essay topic for you is going to be the one that you are most excited to write about. Once you have submitted your application, a link will appear on your status page to create your Student Self-Reported Academic Record SSAR. List your high school courses and grades exactly as they appear on your transcript.

You must complete the SSAR by December 1 for your application to be complete. If you begin the SSAR separately before submitting your UF application, be sure to link it to your application once your application has been submitted. If you have attended a high school outside the United States, you will not submit the SSAR. Refer to our international admissions information. Submit your test scores to UF no later than December Because UF superscores both the SAT and ACT, we encourage you to submit scores for all SAT or ACT tests you have taken.

If admitted, students who have self-reported their scores in the admissions process will be required to submit official scores from the testing agency to UF by May 1. UF Institutional Codes:. UF has no preference for either test. We superscore both the SAT and ACT, meaning that if you take either test multiple times, we will combine your highest subsection scores across test dates for the same exam. If you choose to send us scores from both the SAT and the ACT, we will consider whichever composite score is most competitive for admission.

If your test scores are received after December 15, your application will be considered on a space-available basis. The College Board has partnered with Khan Academy to offer free test prep services for the SAT. These free, online services provide personalized practice pathways to help you pinpoint areas where you need to improve. Full-length practice tests and other materials are available to print. You may request to begin your studies in either the Summer B or Fall term. The term requested DOES NOT affect the consideration of your application. If you are admitted, we will try to offer you the term you requested, but space limitations may mean you receive an offer for a different term.

In both the Common and Coalition applications, you can indicate in the profile section if you qualify for a fee waiver. You will receive an email hours after submitting your application with instructions to create your MyAdmissions application status credentials. Once completed, you can log in to the MyAdmissions app status portal to keep track of your application status and the materials that UF has received. This is also where you will find the link to create your SSAR. IA offers vast co-curricular experiences, including a Living Learning Community and multiple program-specific student organizations.

The unique schedule gives IA students the opportunity to enjoy fall co-curricular activities, pursue internships, study abroad, or enjoy the break at home. Students interested in applying for IA should indicate this on the application and answer the additional short-answer questions. The UF Honors program offers smaller, enriched classes taught by leading faculty and provides an array of opportunities beyond the classroom. I did not win that meet, I had gotten second place. Afterwards, I thought back to that night. I did not stop the training; I used it to motivate myself further.

Ultimately, this story does not describe myself; It describes who I think I am. Accept me and help me further figure out who I will become. Growing up I believed that I would live in the same house and the same neighborhood until I went off to college. College it seemed, was like initiation into the real world and I was happy to wait until it was my time. My friends were here and the soccer team that I had worked so hard to be captain of was here, this was where I was supposed to live my life. Why would we move? When we arrived in our new city I tried to make it work. It seemed that my family had no problem fitting in, yet I faltered. Every day I went through the motions: meetings, school, practice, homework. I knew that something had to change. I did not feel like this was where I was supposed to be spending my high school years.

I believed that the town you grew up in was where you were supposed to stay, until college. I believed college was the stepping stone from childhood to adulthood. My belief of how I was supposed to grow up was completely redefined. My solution was to throw myself into everything I could think of. I joined the Cross-Country team, the Debate team, and every extracurricular in JROTC. Slowly, this strange town began to feel like home. Everyone that I knew growing up were the people I thought I would go to high school with. I believed people were meant to stay in one place until they knew who they were and who they wanted to be, which I believed happened upon graduating high school.

Moving has made me the person that I am and has helped me to decide on the person I want to be and given the opportunity I would choose to move again. Office of Admissions Criser Hall - PO Box Gainesville, FL UF Admissions. Essay One With such adversity present in my small home, I never expected my mother to become pregnant, especially 17 years after her last child. Essay Two Thanks to Twitter, I found Kalpana Khadka. Essay Three At first glance, I thought searching my past for a story that can effectively describe who I really am would have been simple. Essay Four Growing up I believed that I would live in the same house and the same neighborhood until I went off to college.

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