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Good citizenship essays

Good citizenship essays

Violence and counter-violence. Walker, Alyssa Chen. We don't believe in wars: wars cost money and we want to spend money doing more useful things, such as building the infrastructure and developing new public use projects. Okubo, good citizenship essays, Mine. Art Living the Good Life Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper :

Prayer in Public Schools

Citizen in the Analects of Confucius A good citizen ought to have a number of qualities and behave in a certain way. To determine what it means to be a good citizen, one could consult the Analects of Confucius and relate the teachings therein to current events and happenings. From the onset, it would be prudent to point out that a significant portion of Confucius' teachings dwelt on the good citizenship essays of good governance and other equally important social teachings. To begin with, it is important to note that to be a good citizen, one ought to accept their role in the society.

hen questioned on government, Confucius replied in no uncertain terms that the ruler ought to be a ruler, and the subject ought to good citizenship essays a subject atson A good citizen respects the hierarchies of power. Further, still on respecting the hierarchies of power, Confucius pointed out that…. Works Cited Watson, Burton. The Analects good citizenship essays Confucius. New York: Columbia University Press, They are the people who are not media-savvy enough to have their name recognized but should still be considered good citizens. Many of the people who are in the public eye and recognized as good citizens deserve their accolades. However, good citizenship essays, a good citizen cannot be defined solely by a person's image or level of popularity.

Interestingly, one classmate said that good citizens feel a sense of personal gratification when they help someone. Deriving personal gratification from helping someone is admirable, but an impossible standard to measure. Plus, even the most stalwart good citizen grows frustrated with local bureaucracies and derives good citizenship essays personal gratification from some of their work. Deriving personal gratification from helping others does, however, good citizenship essays, suggest that the good citizen must act out of a sense of duty and not out of a desire for fame or fortune. Classmates implied that being a good citizen is important for creating…. Instead, they just avoid voting altogether, because they feel as though their vote will not matter. To increase the national level of participation and interest when it comes up to politics and good citizenship essays policy, changes will have to be made to the existing system that will get people excited about politics again.

If they do not feel they can really make a difference and help changes things for the better, what incentive do they have to do anything related to politics? If the public policies will not be changed to help those who are really struggling, what reason is there to get involved and expend that energy that could be used for something else? People built this county, but many feel it has been good citizenship essays over by a select few. Unless they see a real way to get it back, they are not going to put in the…. References Losco, Joseph New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Schmidt, Barbara a. American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials -- Student ed. Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Citizen On December 7,the nation of Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

This began the official good citizenship essays of the United States in orld ar II. hile armed forces were overseas fighting the nation's enemies, the United States government was trying to decide whether good citizenship essays not any group of people within America itself could be working for the other side. Out of this fear came one of the most atrocious acts the United States have ever perpetrated against its own citizens. Fearing internal enemies, good citizenship essays, the American government signed an order wherein anyone of Japanese descent could be questioned, arrested, detained, good citizenship essays, and interred at several camps throughout the American est.

It was a policy of legal racism that served no good citizenship essays for the government but to instill in the people the knowledge that the government can make mistakes and it is possible to lose one's civil rights…. Works Cited: Burton, J. And R. Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II Japanese-American Relocation Sites. Okubo, Mine. Citizen Seattle: University of Washington, Citizens Should Be Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns First Paragraph Gun control laws punish the innocent. Second Paragraph Gun control laws lower the crime rate. Third Paragraph refutation paragraph Rough Draft - Citizens Should be Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns Gun control laws are a hot topic of controversy.

Currently, there is not enough legislation that supports the right for people to carry handguns. Thesis Statement There should be appropriate legislation and laws passed to allow for citizens to carry concealed handguns, good citizenship essays. Gun control laws punish the innocent. Many people feel that in order to prevent criminals from using guns that improved legislation should be passed to provide tougher laws which restrict the purchase of a handgun and stricter punishment if the laws are broken, good citizenship essays. People who are against stricter gun control laws feel that the average citizens' constitutional rights would be invaded. To allow citizens the right to carry….

Currently there are 31 states that have enacted "shall issue" concealed weapon laws. The rest of the states should also adopt this legislation and allow citizens to carry concealed good citizenship essays. Laws to allowed concealed weapon permits to anyone over 21 who has completed a gun-safety program, has no criminal record, and is mentally sound. Statistics prove the safety of men, women, and minorities increase when laws allow for concealed weapons. Lott states that criminals are less likely to attack a weaker victim, such as a woman or an elderly person, if there is a possibility that there might be a concealed weapon, good citizenship essays. Thirty states have lenient concealed-weapons laws, good citizenship essays only in Vermont can anyone carry a hidden handgun without a license or permit U.

News and World Report, Citizens should have the ability to carry a concealed weapon, but this action alone will not ensure their safety, good citizenship essays. Crimes will still happen and even those who carry handguns will not always act responsibly. However, by having the right to legally carry concealed weapons, people will be able to better protect themselves against the possibility good citizenship essays a fatal crime. The presented statistics from Good citizenship essays study show strength in the argument for use of concealed handguns and should at least give pause to those who oppose concealed handguns. Good citizenship essays fighting methods that potentially offer over an eight percent drop in murder rates are good citizenship essays to ignore.

There will always be the debate concerning concealed handgun laws, good citizenship essays. Those supporting the stricter gun control laws will continue oppose legislation and lobby the government to restrict the use of handguns. However, with citizens being more concerned about their safety and the wave of increased terrorism there should be more support and better legislation to allow citizens the right to lawfully carry concealed. Religion Good for Children? Faith and religion are significant components to every religious family with regards to raising a child or children. Notably, every religious individual and family will always claim that their path or religion is the correct one. Therefore, it impossible to find parents or families that would mistakenly choose the wrong religion or path for their children.

In attempts to take their responsibility of raising children to become productive adults later in life, parents choose different progressive and correct paths including religion. However, good citizenship essays responsibility of raising children is not an easy task and is usually the burden of every person that comes into contact with the child. As a result, parents would take necessary measures to ensure that their children are surrounded by examples from approved people and paths. hile parents consider religion as one of the correct steps in raising their children, the main question…. Works Cited: Drexler, Peggy. com, Inc. Giberson, Karl. Magolda, Pete.

The aticle by Pete Magolda, entitled "Saying Good-Bye, an Anthopological Examination of a Commencement Ritual," attempts to conduct a desciptive anthopology of a specific good citizenship essays commencement that will become pat the autho's lage study of exit ituals in highe education. The gaduation event descibed in the good citizenship essays is a singula one, good citizenship essays, howeve. It occued in "May at a medium-size public, 4-yea esidential campus in the Midwest,…. references of good citizenship and advice. Magdola,p. The high physical place of the president, good citizenship essays, his authority in giving diplomas, the uniform costumes of the once-diverse graduates have both a nostalgic and in a way a chilling aspect -- once, the individuality of this particular group of students dominated the college, now they have been shorn of their identity, good citizenship essays.

They wear the same clothes and head off into an uncertain future in America, but have the comfort of their common university participation to shield them from the common demands of adulthood. The article, although one could argue with specific generalizations made from a limited study, good citizenship essays an important window into one's own cultural, civic participation in a future ritual. Good citizenship essays an individual shows a concealed weapon to a criminal, good citizenship essays, the individual becomes a threat and deterring further advances of the criminal. ellford, John Pepper and Carol If criminals and proprietors of tragedies such as massacres in a certain part of the globe such as Rwanda were aware that innocent people had the means of defending themselves, the tragedies would have not happened because it would have not been easy.

The concealed weapon law is also a policy that reduces multiple victims shooting, good citizenship essays. In addition, law abiding citizen come in contact with criminals more frequently than the police and are therefore able to gun them down and reduce the level of crime as well as the criminals. Research in the state of Vermont that has the least preventive gun laws has a low rate of aggressive crime. Murder rates are low in areas where most women carry concealed weapons…. April 15th Good Man is Hard to Find Flannery O'Conner's short story, a Good Man is Hard to Find is a modern parable. The story is laced with symbolism and religious subtext. In many ways the piece is similar to classical Greek plays about pride and retribution.

efore launching into a discussion of O'Conner's story it is important to understand the woman and her motivations to write. O'Conner was born in Savannah, Georgia in to her devout Catholic parents, Edward and Regina O'Conner. Flannery spent her youth attending Catholic parochial schools.

essay on islam and terrorism

Although professional photojournalists may be held to a higher standard of objectivity and integrity on…. No one can compensate the parents who lost their children to after-effects of an atomic explosion. This war and several others that followed opened doors for more military conflicts and greater destruction of the so-called enemy. Who is our enemy? If people of the other countries are our enemies, why are we ever taught not to discriminate? For surely when the war begins, we have to give up all that we were previously taught and stand united to destroy the weaker enemy completely.

The world as it stands today may have underpinnings of a Third World War at any point of time in the future. So, it is fairly correct to state that all wars are wrong. Why some countries or nations feel proud of the wars they fought and do not believe all wars are wrong are basically shortsighted, selfish and narrow minded. They probably see the world as…. Reference 1 [Sullivan-Wiley K. How are the effects of World War I similar to the effects of World War II. Civil participation or civil engagement is defined as individual as well as collective actions that are designed for the identification and addressing of issues that concern the public. It is active citizenship whereby citizens have a direct input when it comes to the process of making policies and those that have direct experience of services or emerging social needs are given a voice when it comes to the determination of policy and practice.

Civic participation has several elements but its most basic sense is that one of making decisions, or governance over who, how and by whom the resources of a community are allocated. The principle of civic participation underscores the basic principle of democratic governance, which means that sovereignty is found within the citizens. Civic participation is about the right of people to define what is good for the public, to determine policies which they will seek the good…. References Reiss, D. Why teaching Civic Engagement is essential. The big tilt: Participatory inequality in America The American Prospect;pg. Civic Learning for Democracy's Future. Liberal Education Summer. Pg Citizen Groups Shaping Environmental Policy The environmental issues have of late been a subject of concern to many people and many organizations.

Governments all over the world have been under persistent pressure to implement policies and also enact laws that are friendly to the environment or are intentionally formulated to safeguard the environment. The Kyoto protocol was a pace setter in many aspects concerning the environmental care and conservation, hence many bodies borrow from it and help in the implantation of the guidelines that were outlined in that particular meeting of the global bodies and economic giants of the world. These groups that act as custodians of the environment include the citizen groups of diverse measures and backgrounds. The citizen groups in this aspect include the industry groups, trade associations and the not-for-profit organizations. These are the renowned groups that use their influences to shape the perspectives that the government….

References Desai Uday, Environmental Politics and Policy in Industrialized Countries. Environmental Policy and Politics in the United States: Toward Environmental Sustainability? Retrieved April 26, from. Good vs. ad How Does eautiful Joe Depict the "Cruel" Vs the "Humane"? Does it Seem a Matter of Choice? eautiful Joe: An Autobiography encircles human-creature connections inside the defensive circle of middle class family life and depicts childrearing and pet-care as commonly constitutive. Saunders' canine life account relates the experiences of its eponymous creator, a manhandled puppy who is protected from a brutal milkman and embraced by the cherishing Morris family of Fairport, Maine Walker.

The Morrises' style of parenting epitomizes the coercive nurturance encapsulated in Richard rodhead's understood idea of disciplinary closeness. Strongly reproachful of beating, Mrs. Morris controls the ethical still, small voices of her kids through a relentless eating regimen of "good nursing, great sustenance, and kind words" Saunders Pet-keeping coordinates flawlessly into Mrs. Morris' logic of childrearing, which she alludes to as "heart training. Bibliography Ann, Peggy. Beautiful Joe by Margaret Marshall Saunders. Johnson, Claudia Durst. Understanding The Call of the Wild: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents.

Greenwood Publishing Group: Portsmouth, Saunders, Margaret Marshall. Beautiful Joe. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, Walker, Alyssa Chen. Animal Print: The Literary Production of Humane America. University of Michigan, Gun owners should be forced to lock their guns in order to limit the access of kids to them, instead of limiting the gun ownership drastically. Another argument in favor of bearing arms is that this is a right granted by the Second Amendment, which states that "A well regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

As a well-organized police force is needed to maintain security, so is the right of citizens to bear arms needed to protect themselves. rent, Individuals should have the right to bare guns because such a measure permits them to defend themselves and not to become victims of attackers that take advantage of their weakness. Instead of being a measure that…. Bibliography Lott, John R. The main point of the article is that access to guns has a role of deterring crime and that allowing citizens to bare arms is absolutely necessary so that citizens can defend themselves. This source relates to my other sources because it also states that allowing citizens to bare arms is benefic for reducing crime.

I would like to find more articles related to the traditional values of holding a gun in the American society. A Police Office in a large metropolitan area like New York will have different duties and dangers than a County Sheriff in a rural Oklahoma area Barlow, ightly so, modern society has a certain level of expectations for its military and law enforcement branches. While it is known that both must, at times, deal with the underside of society, it is also assumed that the group will rise above base and animalistic reactions and upload both the law and a sense of compassion -- coupled with self-preservation and safety.

Officers are often in danger of infectious disease, motor vehicle fatalities, apprehension of persons under substance abuse, and line of duty deaths are not uncommon. For instance, approximately police officers die per year in the United States, with over half of those deaths from direct assaults from suspects or criminals obert, Still, individuals are sociologically drawn to…. Barlow, D. Police in a Multicultural Society. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. In essence, in seeking to effect arrests, officers should utilize force that is not only commensurate with the risk posed, but also objectively reasonable. The relevance of formulating blueprints and implementing strategies meant to address the use of force as well as promote or advance the de-escalation of scenarios that turn violent cannot be overstated.

In seeking to comprehensively address the issue raised by members of the public regarding the use of force…. A modern approach to policing must contain elements of traditional, mainstream efforts to fight crime along with a set of tools for carrying out an effective community policing approach. his paper provides a brief discussion about what such a hybrid model looks like in practice and touches on elements of complexity of police work in an increasingly global arena. Addressing Escalated hreat Levels. Some dynamics of society seem inevitably linked, moving in tandem as though some invisible lynch-pin had been driven through their respective cores.

Poverty and crime. Violence and counter-violence. Wealth and indifference. Frustration and destruction. Fanaticism and irrationality. Naturally, there are exceptions. Some Buddhists live in poverty but are peaceful and law-abiding. Where culture or religion calls for acceptance of one's…. There is an inherent tension between a retreat from the tenets of community policing and policing strategies intended to keep a safety buffer between the police and the community they serve and protect. The research includes work from authors who believe that a shift toward policing that could be characterized by paramilitarism occurred prior to September 11 McCulloch, a, Weber, , p. Describing how community policing works in the Australian environment, McCulloch b, p.

His work also includes a comparison of the cultures of both approaches to policing. Murray's conclusion is that the two orientations to policing are not incompatible; he proposes a hybrid model of policing that would enable both approaches to coexist. Murray suggests that community policing continues to be the best way to prevent crime and to prevent acts of terrorism. He bases this conclusion on the enhanced capacity of a community to effectively communicate concerns and observations when there is a basic level of trust between citizens and the police in the community.

The issue is that it is increasingly difficult to distinguish those with malevolent intent from those who must be protected from malevolence. When community members see themselves as partners in the efforts of the police to keep them safe in their own communities, the efficacy of community policing is both possible and enhanced. The pressure on a police force that currently operates in a community policing mode to transition back to a traditional policing model is substantive. This pressure comes from the citizens -- who desire to see evidence that the country is taking effective steps to fight the war on terror, and from politicians for whom crime fighting and homeland security issues are "election sensitive.

Live Concet Analysis How Doing Good Makes Us Feel Poweful and Poweless at the Same Time Design Activism vs. Design fo Social Change The Awakening Consciousness of Designes 's Manifesto Thee has been lukewam inteest in public sevice design, social impact and design activism. But in most convesations, all othe designs wok to enhance the standad of living of the people; some of it must be activism. The agument is seldom boosted by the notion that achitectue has been impacted by intellectual movements and ats fo instance, modenism which fuels an idea of a evolutionay society. These movements had ideal poposals fo society's efoms. They wee elated deeply to commece and aesthetics as well Jose et al.

Conside the diffeence between modenism and activism fo that matte. The modenism idea states that people stand equals to each othe, while society became united in evey aspect fo instance uniting laboes,…. references and charitable habits of Generation Y, Generation X, Baby Boomers and Matures. Convio and Edge Research. Boehnert, J. Borasi, G. Actions: What you can do with the city. Canadian Centre for Architecture. Brown, T. And Wyatt, J. Cowan, G. One of the last major points that Loeb makes is that responsibility does not mean having all of the answers -- no one has them. Instead, it means becoming actively engaged in the debates and issues that are affecting and changing our world.

They will continue to instigate changes no matter how becomes involved; it is only those who actively participate in their world that have an active hand in shaping it. Loeb quotes Rabbi Abraham Herschel as saying, "in regard to cruelties committed in the name of a free society, some are guilty, while all are responsible. Legal Immigration Is Good for the United States With the United States opening its boarders to thousands of legal immigrants each year, immigration has become one of the most hotly debated issues in the country. However, what has largely fueled this debate has to do with the impact of both illegal and legal immigrants on the United States' economy, crime rates as well as education and environment.

While some continue to advocate for the reduction of immigration within the U. In terms of diversity and economic gains amongst other unique benefits. It is important to note that when legal immigration is viewed from a critical perspective, the United States does benefit greatly from the same. This text will clearly and concisely highlight some of these benefits. Immigration in the United States: An Overview Considered a complex demographic…. References Arnold, K. Anti-Immigration in the United States: A Historical Encyclopedia.

California: ABC-CLIO. Estrom, P. Immigration: Google makes Its Case. htm Geigenberger, J. The lasting Value of Legal Immigration for the United States of America. Norderstedt Germany: GRIN Verlag. Griswold, D. As Immigrants Move in, Americans Move Up. Some of these people not only gave United States a claim to fame, but they also protected Americans through national security and scientific achievements. Thus, immigration is, ultimately, beneficial to the United States. hile some have recently taken the other side of the debate, it can be seen that the benefits of immigration clearly outweigh to consequences.

Immigration impacts the United States greatly in the area of diversity, which allows the country to from better domestic and international relations, seeking peace. Immigration also impacts the United States economy in a positive way through creating a larger workforce and a larger consumer base, while also providing more workers who pay into the social security system. In addition, the United States would be pained without the immigrants who have made it the place it is today, whether they were unskilled workers helping to boost the profits of a farm or Albert Einstein…. Works Cited "Famous American Immigrants. Grbic, Douglas. Organizational Personality Citizen's Hospital is an organization where employees and the organization share common goals.

The organization has a personality of confusion. The culture of the organization focused on patient satisfaction where the climate was democratic with an emphasis on interpersonal skills, democratic values and human motivation Francis, The structure was hierarchal and operated by departments. Shared common goals included enabling patients to gain adequate recovery in the fastest, most effective way with safe measures to prevent infection and other illness. The psychological part of the company displayed friendliness with the interview processes that included a peer interview with the department's employees to determine capability.

Upon hiring, all new hires were required to go through a socialization process of employee orientation and mentor training. Once the new hired is trained, confusion sets in with unsafe practices. The organization developed large amounts of back injuries from role stress and a…. Works Cited Francis, A. Neoclassical Theories of Organization. The Organization of Work Behavior. Landy, Work in the 21st century: An Introduction to industrial and organizational psychology, 4th ed. It is a farce, founded on dishonesty: like the old regime itself. And Alex has become the neurotic, control-freak prime minister, acting on behalf of an ageing, debilitated monarch" notes Peter Bradshaw, the film reviewer of the Guardian. A real-life parallel might be that of a child in a nursing home who carefully controls his or her parent's visitors, diet, and lifestyle.

Politically, Bradshaw's implication is that the love parents and children feel can mirror a kind of tyranny. The love of an old parent can distort the feelings that the young have a changing world as they become dependant upon propping up the lies of parents. This suggest that love the young for elderly people can inhibit and even unconsciously prevent the ability of the world to change, as they live for a dying, rather than a new ideal. The film at its best shows how love, perhaps too…. Works Cited Bradshaw, Peter. html Good-bye Lenin. ar "Studs Terkel's: The Good ar In The Good ar Terkel presents the compelling, the bad, and the ugly memories of orld ar II from a view of forty years of after the events.

No matter how horrendous the recollections are, comparatively only a few of the interviewees said that if the adventure never happened that they would be better off. It was a lively and determinative involvement in their lives. Even though , Americans died, the United States itself was not assaulted again after Pearl Harbor, the economy did begin to develop and there was a fresh contemporary feeling of humanity power that revitalized the nation. A lot of women and Black Americans faced new liberties in the post war nation, but happy life following orld ar II was stained by the danger of the could be nuclear. Studs Terkel interviewed over people by inquiring them to tell….

Works Cited Terkel, S. The Good War: An Oral History of World War II. Boston: New Press. February 19, Washington, D. The vehicle snarl-up can also lead to blocking of important vehicles such as ambulances that if do not reach their destinations urgently lead to loss of people or other important resources. The motorists especially of passenger vehicles will always try to find alternative ways or routes to reach their destinations leading to them using pedestrian footpaths and side streets and this affects the neighbouring structures. When a footpath turns out to be used as a road the effects to the residents is increased real estate prices due to the proximity to means of transport.

The dwellers therefore experience increased living standards. In trying to solve the problem of traffic congestion, governments have tried to come up with a market-based solution which involves expansion of roads and building of fly overs that can be used by all citizens. Private companies have been contracted to facilitate efficient construction of the roads. Toxic Sludge is Good for You! Stauber, John, and Sheldon Rampton. Toxic Sludge is Good For You! Madison, WI: Common Courage Press. The title of the book Toxic Sludge is Good For You! suggests that the authors John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton are environmental activists. And in a sense they are -- activists against the sludge of disinformation so often present in American media, culture, as a result of the machinery of the public relations industry.

The first chapter of this book is entitled "Burning books before they're printed," a chapter that seems particularly important in light of current media controversies today, such as the uproar over the film "The Passion," where people are tempted to judge literature before actually experiencing it on the page or on the motion picture screen. The authors extend this analysis, however, not simply to creative and individualistic works, but even to the censoring of…. This is combined with actions or "habits," as Aristotle terms them. A person who is temperate while also engaging in "good" activities or habits can then be said to be virtuous.

It appears that this definition fits well with what could constitute "good" even in today's terms. A person who would disagree with the above might argue that both my and Aristotle's definition of "good" and "virtue" is far too vague to have any valid application. Neither definition, for example, acknowledges cultural variation in terms of what might constitute "virtue. In Western culture, on the other hand, and by the above definition, it is decidedly "bad" to make one's children miserable…. Moreover, citizenship should include, as a fundamental right -- in this concept of citizenship -- the right to participation itself. The right to participation affords social rights, as individuals cannot realize social rights without first exercising rights to participation.

Gaventa then goes on to discuss the different meanings and expressions of rights and citizenship. Sometimes, he writes, where citizenship is "universally assured," it's often not realized by the poorest of the poor p. More generally, ethnic, religious, geographic, and gender identities often frame the meanings and expressions of citizenship. Citizenship is also mediated by a "culture of privilege and patronage," as well as gender and social status. New theories in citizenship must be explored to overcome these problems p. Apart from the different forms that citizenship takes across the globe, traditional boundaries between the state, civil society and the private sector are becoming increasingly ambiguous, necessitating a….

References Arnstein, Sherry R. A Ladder of Citizen Participation. AIP Journal, July , Bridging the Gap: Citizenship, Participation and Accountability. PLA Notes, 40, Gaventa, John. Exploring Citizenship, Participation and Accountability. IDS Bulletin, 33 2 , The fact that industrial control systems may be vulnerable to infiltration by other citizens, or international parties puts laws pertaining to intersection of systems transmission at the forefront of priorities for us all. At present, telecommunications interference of private citizens holds an up to a five-year prison sentence by U. federal law. How cyberterrorism is addressed, when the stakes are heightened, leaves a whole host of opportunities for citizens, and legislators to voice their opinion as new technologies for privacy invasion come on the market.

Every ISP access point imaginable is cited within the literature on cyberterrorism, including direct access networks, maintenance of dial-up modems, and of course the internet, remote systems architectures. Exponential information like SCADA systems create an incredibly vulnerable area for hackers interested in "knowledge sharing" network data toward sabotage of industrial operations and state military interests. DHS strategic responsibilities take care of the broad brush stroke…. References Amendments to Section Cyber Security Enhancement Act, Antal, J. Counter-terrorism multipliers needed Military Technology, 34 4 , 4. Ashley, Col. K, USAF The United States Is Vulnerable to Cyberterrorism. Signal Online. Six Unknown Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics, F. LEXIS 2d Cir. The overall effect is like slogging through sucking mud -- there is a depressive inertia in the poem, as if one does not want to go on but must.

What does this mean symbolically? The line before this one comments on the "neutral air" in New York this is before they entered WWII , making the blind skyscrapers perhaps "blind" in the sense that they aren't taking sides; blind like Justice is blind. They are also blind to the evils being committed in Europe where war has been going on for awhile. All of this is symbolic; it is also possible that Auden is alluding to tall buildings of a bygone era, where towers and lighthouses -- the tallest building -- were built specifically to see. what is the "ethical life" of which he speaks in the first…. Individuals with disabilities may experience mental anguish, but also feelings of embarrassment about their ability, or inability to perform tasks that they normally might were they not disabled.

These feelings may lead to depression or feelings of worthlessness, guilt or sadness, which are unacceptable in a society that promotes equality and fair treatment under the law. People with disabilities incorporate a large segment of the population, including people with HIV, cancer or physical handicaps resulting from chronic illnesses like multiple sclerosis DDA DirectGov. Other characteristics of individuals who feel discriminated against may include fear, as in the case of women who are discriminated against sexually Gregory, As part of our research, we note that more women are fighting back, thanks to feminist movements encouraging women to speak out when they feel discriminated against. Any type of discrimination, as evidenced by our research, interferes with a person's ability to lead….

References DirectGov. The Disability Discrimination Act DDA. Women and workplace discrimination: Overcoming barriers to gender equity. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. Higginbotham, Jr. Ebony, 46 1 : Nel Noddings, Educating Citizens for Global Awareness The author on pg 3 states that, "Globalization's emphasis on economic growth has led to practices that threaten the physical environment -- the life of the Earth itself. However, on the other hand, creation of wealth also alters consumer demand for the quality of the environment. For instance, as people become richer, they have a tendency of valuing environmental objectives, for example clean air, drinking water that is safe as well as proper disposal of sewages.

What do you consider the effects of globalization to be on the environment? What is your stand? Do you think globalization adversely or constructively influences the environment? It is imperative to ask this question as it questions one of the most significant tasks of…. The global citizen is therefore prepared to operate amicably in this intercultural environment. The global citizen realizes that there should be unity in diversity and nobody has the right to impose their ideology on anybody or any group of persons. An ideal citizen should also demonstrate this values and pay respect to people from different cultures and strives to live harmoniously with them.

The good citizen should recognize that differences may exist within members of the country and this should not be a cause of strive. By acting as a global citizen who operates in a multicultural sphere, a person can be a good citizen and exist harmoniously with other citizens of varied backgrounds. In such an environment, it is the global citizen who holds the separate entities together and seeks to iron out the differences that the various local communities seek to advance. For a citizen to pass for a good citizen in such an environment the environment where local communities have taken great importance , he must have the global perspective of the global citizen. It is only by taking the global perspective that a citizen can give fair consideration to ideas with which they disagree.

Global citizenship is increasingly working towards making the planet sustainable for all people. The efforts directed to this end are mostly in the form of advocacy for conservation of the environment, reduction of pollution and the reliance on renewable sources of power. As such, the good citizen has to be a global citizen who is concerned with making the planet sustainable. As a global citizen, one is expected to be non judgmental and overlook the religious differences that divide humanity. A good citizen should also have these values enshrined in them.

A good citizen should avoid engaging in religious discrimination since this threatens unity among the citizens of the nation. This paper has demonstrated that being a global citizen is intrinsically connected to being a good citizen. As such, being a global citizenship implies a responsibility to be a good citizen. For example, a global citizen is not expected to advocate for war or side with any party during war. Good citizenship calls for one to back their country when it is involved in a war. Acting as a global citizen in such instances can therefore prevent one from being an ideal citizen. A global citizen on the other hand does not have any kind of protection and has some amount of degree from bureaucratic control.

Lagos states that the hallmark of global citizen is the lack of allegiance to any body of laws to control the individual. In this light, being a global citizen goes contrary to what being a good citizen entails. The paper performed a detailed analysis of how a person may be obligated to be a good citizen so as to qualify as a global citizen and vise versa. In particular, the paper demonstrates that values such as tolerance, civic education are innate in both the good citizen and the global citizen. However, the paper has also shown that global citizen differs significantly from the citizen and in some instances, being a global citizen may cause one not to fulfill his role as a good citizen. I think that if everyone did their part to help we could live in a really great country.

Good citizenship is something everyone should want to obtain. I think I am a good citizen, are you a good citizen? Work cited page Hawk, Janet. Hawk, Kaytlin. Hooe, Nick. Witt, Lora. Get Access. Better Essays. Prayer in Public Schools Words 3 Pages 8 Works Cited. Prayer in Public Schools. Read More. Exploring the Idea of Discourse Comunity and Relating It to the Drama Club of the Jackson High School Words 3 Pages 7 Works Cited. Exploring the Idea of Discourse Comunity and Relating It to the Drama Club of the Jackson High School. Satisfactory Essays. Partex Beverage Limited Words 5 Pages. Partex Beverage Limited. A Career that Lights up the World Words 2 Pages 1 Works Cited. A Career that Lights up the World. Powerful Essays.

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