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Cultural awareness essay

Cultural awareness essay

Here, she found that many women had succeeded…. Professional writers and researchers. Bibliography ACA, cultural awareness essay. Cesar was not charged with any crime, and his detention report notes that he was held at a routine traffic stop because the officers felt he "appeared suspicious. abound -- diversity is king; but there is a confrontation cultural awareness essay this with advertising and media, which seeks to "sell" conformity in image. Management for the future.

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues cultural awareness essay Cultural Diversity — The Importance Of Cultural Awareness. Any subject. Any type of essay. Why is it important to study other cultures? Xenophobia is a fear of other cultures, it can make you angry at another culture for no reason. It affects many people worldwide and still is continuing to be a bad thing that can start wars, cause cultural awareness essay people to die, and much worse situations. Culture is very important to learn about and can affect your life greatly, people who have learned about other cultures than their own have even switched over to new religions.

People who have switched over have met new people, started a new life, etc. Some people who hate other religions different from their own think it is extremely sinful and bad to not follow their culture, they may hate someone they have cultural awareness essay met for no explained reason. In reality other cultures can be something great. There are hundreds of thousands of religions that you can look into, like for example if you are Christian, you could potentially want to become Muslim because you think that their gods are terrific! You should always try to learn about new cultures, cultural awareness essay, whether it be eating new food, trying new clothes, or even talking to a friend or someone you know about their culture.

If you know about more than one culture you could potentially do great in life and always be happy to meet new people. People who have the Xenophobia fear are generally living in a more afraid society and hating people more and more. Different types of cultures are important to learn about because the world has all different types of varieties and you should at least try to learn about more than one to get a better education and lifestyle, cultural awareness essay. Again, the people who are stubborn and stick to their one religion for some stupid personal grudge are generally less happy and depressed. In the time that humans have been alive, cultures and grudges have affected the entire world in serious ways.

People are constantly getting judged for being themselves and nobody is planning on stopping who they are for anything, cultural awareness essay. To conclude the essay, every culture is beautiful and it should be treated that way. Culture is beautiful and deserves recognition. And that is why culture is important. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience, cultural awareness essay. This cultural awareness essay has been cultural awareness essay by a student.

This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write cultural awareness essay original essay just for you. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays Hofstede's Cultural awareness essay Dimensions Theory Essay. A Study of the Cultural Diversity in Monsoon Asia Essay. The Cultural awareness essay of Interracial Dialogue and Its Importance Essay. Applying Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Theory to the USA and India Essay. The Impact of Culture on Life Essay. A Narrative of My Personal Experience of Assimilating and Understanding the Culture in Cyprus Essay. How Cultural Differences Impact International Business Essay. The Study of High-minority and High-poverty Schools and the Role of Educational Leader Essay.

Cultural Diversity, Stereotypes and Discrimination in Indian Education Essay. Find Free Essays We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Cite this Essay To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver The Importance Of Cultural Awareness. The Importance Of Cultural awareness essay Awareness. The Importance Of Cultural Awareness [Internet], cultural awareness essay. Order Now. Please check your inbox. Order now. Related Topics Realism Essays Heritage Essays Modernism Essays Abortion Essays Pro Life Abortion Essays. Hi there! Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Check it out! Having trouble finding the perfect essay? Hire a writer, cultural awareness essay.

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A Study of the Cultural Diversity in Monsoon Asia Essay. The Issue of Interracial Dialogue and Its Importance Essay. Applying Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Theory to the USA and India Essay. The Impact of Culture on Life Essay. A Narrative of My Personal Experience of Assimilating and Understanding the Culture in Cyprus Essay. How Cultural Differences Impact International Business Essay. The Study of High-minority and High-poverty Schools and the Role of Educational Leader Essay. Cultural Diversity, Stereotypes and Discrimination in Indian Education Essay.

Find Free Essays We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Cite this Essay To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver The Importance Of Cultural Awareness. The Importance Of Cultural Awareness. The Importance Of Cultural Awareness [Internet]. Order Now. Please check your inbox. Order now. Related Topics Realism Essays Heritage Essays Modernism Essays Abortion Essays Pro Life Abortion Essays. Hi there! Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Check it out! Having trouble finding the perfect essay?

Hire a writer. Thus, being a student in the Bachelor of Arts or Social Science department always been my biggest dream in the past few years. Not only this, University of Hong Kong is the ideal school that I have always been pursuing. Just like what the proverb says, chance favors the prepared mind, and I am ready to challenge myself in this new task. It helped individuals to build great relationships when working together, especially when it comes to meeting deadlines. Additionally, good etiquette could be produced while working and this could be an advantage for every individual at work or anyone having to deal with communicating with people from different cultures.

It also helped in developing a mutual understanding of the reason for being, needs and history of other cultures. Hofstede theory has aided us in learning about the national culture. Cultural Awareness is being aware of dimensions of the culture, values, practice, and cultural theory. It is being able to develop sensitivity and understanding of another ethnic group in which involves internal changes in terms and attitudes and values. In order to have cultural awareness you must have cultural knowledge. Cultural Competence is the ability in which an individual is able to interact effectively with individuals of different cultures.

An individual who is culturally competent is someone who is able to have a respectful awareness and understanding of cultural differences. Sandy Wong, currently a college student in Santa Monica College, immigrated to U. with her family since And her future goal is to be a politician in U. As the position of Chinese and the generation changed, they have different views with these two issues. They were all talkative and willing to share their personal feeling with me. With the strong interest in finance, I chose quantitative finance and risk management as my major. A turning point in my sophomore year made my career development path clearer.

I interned at a listed trust company located in Shenzhen. My boss graduated from Tsinghua University with a degree in risk management. After living in China for four years, she is starting to know the country and is looking forward to stay here for longer, especially so she can achieve one of her goals, to collect one million Chinese yuan for charity. Last year we were the number one best selling boot at the charity bazaar hold by the foreign ministry in Chaoyang park. What can I say, Chinese people love amber. Rodriguez first began the aspect of this career when she was only 18 years old. She started working part-time in an accounting office around tax season.

She mentioned It was a good job to have because she was recently out of high school and wanted to make money. She said that from January to April she would work days a week and 8 - 12 hours days. Home Page Essay On Cultural Awareness. Essay On Cultural Awareness Powerful Essays. Open Document. References McClain, P. Annual Review of Political Science Vol. Mental Health of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants: A Review of the Literature. Advances in Nursing Science. Cultural Awareness Americans have traditionally celebrated the diversity of cultures that comprises the United States.

Despite some reservations, much of the country still believes that the amalgamation of different ethnicities contributes to the richness of American culture. The merging of cultures in the United States has also given rise to conflicts and collisions, as established concepts are confronted and challenged. New belief systems, often developed over centuries, have already redefined prevailing estern cultural concepts. This paper examines how prevailing estern cultural concepts regarding the soul and spirituality, gender and healing have been challenged and redefined by a growing awareness of cultural alternatives.

Some of these concepts, such as gender, were redefined largely within an American context. Many, such as healing and spirituality, have been influenced by Eastern and African cultures and religions. The first part of the paper looks at the various cultural meanings of healing, as practiced by the…. Works Cited Fadiman, Anne. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Feminist Research Center. March Feminist Majority Foundation.

Grenz, Stanley. A Primer on Postmodernism. Grand Rapids: Wm. Eerdmans Publishing, Some, Malidoma Patrice. The Healing Wisdom of Africa: Finding Life Purpose through Nature, Ritual and Community. New York: Putnam, In fact, unless specified otherwise, it can be considered quite rude to come 'on time. Mexican culture is often characterized as far more past-oriented than Anglo cultures. Mexico, for instance, is usually viewed as a fatalistic culture where the past is in control of the present and future. A lack of popular involvement in the government and sense of autonomy over bureaucratic government decisions can foster a sense of powerlessness, which may be reinforced by the strong, relatively homogeneous Catholic tradition of the nation, interwoven with folk customs.

References "Mexican farmers protest. January 31, html "Mexican social etiquette. php 1. Cultural Awareness in omania The objective of this work in writing is to examine cultural awareness in omania. The official language of omania is stated to be that of omanian and the primary issues in relation to language in omania is stated to be the "protection of the languages of the 10 minority ethnic groups. Compendium, IN , the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage priorities are "supporting the national heritage and contemporary creation. References Doing Business in Romania Rabobank International.

Current issues in cultural policy development and debate Compendium. Leadership Quality The two quizzes I took were the Working Globally Across Cultures quiz and the India country quiz. The results can be seen in the Appendix. I was a bit surprised at my score, as I felt I understood other cultures a bit better than the results of the quiz indicated. I did not pass either one. On the first I scored a 6 out of 10 and on the second I scored a 5 out of 7. My strengths in intercultural awareness are that I have a good sense that other cultures are indeed different and that it is important to understand them, as Hofstede , shows; however, when it comes to specific customs and practices, I am not so knowledgeable—and the quizzes show that.

It is essential that a leader actually have a good deal of knowledge about other cultures. Cultural Differences As stated by the question to be answered in this brief report, there are many psychologists that assert that there can be barriers and issues that exist when a person of one cultural background interviews someone from a different cultural background. The differences in culture can be things like religion, race, ethnicity, upbringing and nation of origin, just to name a few. Just one example would be Muslims that come to the United States and find a culture that is entirely different than what they are used to or acclimated to in their country of birth.

While it is possible to achieve an interview-oriented connection with someone from a different cultural background, bridging the divide can be quite difficult even with the best of intentions. Analysis One major barrier when it comes to bridging the cultural divide in an interview or discussion of any sort would be religion. References Leri, P. Interviewing Across Cultures. University of Michigan. opportunities to improve the cross-cultural and cultural-awareness training at Hilton Hotels International, Inc. This study was important because Hilton Hotels compete in 78 countries across six continents and hosts guests from virtually every country in the world during a given year.

In order to continue to its efforts that began in the late s to rebuild its eroded brand, Hilton Hotels has sought to exceed customer expectations at every turn. To achieve this goal, the study examines how Hilton Hotels can identify existing resources and use them to their optimal effect in developing timely human resource responses to the need for cross-cultural and cultural-awareness training. To this end, Chapter One of the study introduces the company and the issues under consideration, followed by a SWOT analysis of Hilton Hotels in Chapter Two.

An analysis of the world's most widely spoken languages and their impact on Hilton Hotels in Chapter Three…. References 'About Hilton. Hilton Hotels International, Inc. Beirman, D. Restoring Tourism Destinations in Crisis: A Strategic Marketing Approach. Crows Nest, N. Introduction Police officers interact with the public on a daily basis, requiring cross-cultural competency and communications skills. Whereas lack of awareness of cross-cultural differences may lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, cultural competency can foster harmonious relationships among multiple community stakeholders. Misunderstandings can also lead to inefficiencies in inter-agency communication, potentially complicating cases by unnecessarily diverting a case to child protective services or the courts.

For police officers, cross-cultural competencies impact interactions with citizens, victims, suspects, and coworkers. Cross-cultural competency directly affects the quality of service delivery. Scenario One Scenario One shows how even a little police officer knowledge about traditional medicine in Asian communities could have prevented the problems in this case. While it is…. Cultural diversity refers to the diverse varieties of human cultures that exist in a certain region, society or in the world as a whole. The characteristics of diversity may include ethnicity, traditions, geographic background, language spoken, religious beliefs, race or physical features.

This term is also based on the idea that different cultures should respect each other's differences. With the global integration, the need for communication in accordance with other person's cultural awareness has intensified. Many times, any gesture that is considered offensive in one culture is completely accepted in the other culture. Hence, people sometimes develop misunderstandings when communicating with someone from a different culture. Therefore, it is essential that differences are appreciated for an effective communication. I am a Christian man who is originally from Ukraine. My mother tongue is Ukrainian and I came to United States some 10 years ago. I am very moderate in my religious…. Bibliography Newsom, D. This is PR: The Realities of Public Relations. Rosener, J. Cultural Competency in Nursing The basic knowledge in nursing or medical studies needs substantial facilitation in order to be effective and appropriate towards addressing the needs and preferences of the patients.

Watson notes the need to integrate humanistic aspect into the career or nursing profession. He also believes on the need for the establishment of the caring relationship between the patients and nurses thus demonstration of unconditional acceptance of the patients in any condition. Nurses should integrate holistic and positive treatment with the aim of promoting health through knowledge and interventions thus elimination of interruptions during treatments or 'caring moments'. Modern patients have diverse problems and issues because of the cultural differences, races, and ethnicity thus the need to enhance the operations of the nurses.

There is need to ensure that the nurses obtain cultural competencies with the aim of enhancing their ability to address diverse issues and problems faced…. References Anderson, N. Community-based approaches to strengthen cultural competency in nursing education and practice. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 18 1 , 49SS. Beach, M. Cultural competency: A systematic review of health care provider educational interventions. Cultural Competency, 43 4 , Campinha-Bacote, J. The process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare services: A model of care. The Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13 3 , Rosswurm and Larrabee, A Model for Change to Evidence-Based.

While in high school, she worked as a waitress at a local diner. Most of the population was black, therefore there was little contact with white customers or employees. Margaret feels that she was socially isolated until the s. She was not exposed to white culture; it was foreign to her. She was only exposed to black culture of the time. They were not allowed in certain stores, restaurants, or other places of business. She remembers "white only" restrooms and "black only" fountains. This cultural isolation was oppressive.

Margaret feels that the oppressive attitudes and discrimination that she experienced as a child determined much of how her life proceeded in adulthood. The idea that she could only go so far was ingrained as a child. She never really broke free of this feeling. In her 40s, she moved to upstate New York. Here, she found that many women had succeeded…. References Diller, D. Opening the dialogue: Using culture as a tool in teaching young African American children. Reading Teacher, 52 8 , Funds of knowledge for teaching: using a qualitative approach to connect homes and classrooms. Theory into Practice, 31 2 , Andre goes on to say some critics see Hirsch's efforts to bring culture into the classroom are not so much "cultural literacy" but more like "cultural indoctrination.

For example, the question of "Whose form of knowledge, culture, vision, history and authority will prevail as the national culture? Hirsch meanwhile answers these accusations in his Core Knowledge Web site, saying that the contend must arise from "a broad consensus of diverse groups and interests. Bibliography Booklist. In the first edition of Hirsch's book, the author was criticized as being "elitist," but the Subsequent editions add "tools for assessing cultural literacy" that makes sense and Now it does "keep up with changes in American culture. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know. Chylinski writes that the book has been given "an exciting update" - "sorely needed" for those "who like to have a great reference work Hirsch and Cultural Literacy: Thinking Skills for Cultural.

In a large measure, these concepts reflect the problems that have accompanied increased diversity as both a consequence and a cause of a great many social problems" , p. In this regard, Naylor defines culture as being "the learned way or ways of belief, behavior, and the products of these both physically and socially that is shared at least to some degree within human groups and serves to distinguish that culture group from another learning different beliefs and behaviors" , p. Because there are some fundamental differences between cultural beliefs and behaviors, it is not surprising that cross-cultural differences can have a profound effect on organizational performance, and these issues are discussed further below.

Effect of Cultural Diversity on…. Cultural Profile of Danny Below is the profile of a college Freshman using the ADRESING format by Hays Hays; Hays This method of assessment of cultural awareness is used by many clinical psychologists in order to guarantee cultural sensitivity during therapy and to provide culturally relevant care: Age or generational differences: Danny is 19, and a Freshman in college Disability: He has no visible disabilities and none of which he is aware. Religion: He is a Christian, but is not currently attending any local church. Ethnicity: Danny is Han Chinese. Social status: At home in Beijing, Danny is upper middle class. His parents have good jobs and are party members, though they are not rich. Sexual orientation: Unknown Indigenous heritage: He is a member of the majority culture in Beijing, but is Asian minority in America.

Nationality: Citizen of the PRC Gender: Male Profile: Danny is a college freshman…. Works Cited "China - Chinese Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Explained "Web. Hays, Pamela A. However, there are most certainly variations when it comes to things like culture and the society that is lived within during this process. Even when speaking of a singular cultural area like a city, state or especially a nation, there will be differing norms, values and so forth based on the culture or cultures that one is exposed to and raised within. This report will look at the common Latino experience as well as a few other notable cultures and how this can affect and vary the interactions and reactions seen when it comes to social work. While trying to treat every situation with the same cultural and societal lens might seem attractive, the underlying cultures and patterns that actually….

Cultural Diversity in Rural Settings for Nurses On a continuum of cultural awareness to cultural relativity, how do you view yourself and your interactions with others? As a nurse practitioner, it is easy to see the patient simply as a patient, as a sick person needing treatment, rather than a well person who perceives his or her body as only temporarily ill, but sees his or her person as permanently a part of a family and culture outside of the hospital. As Small and Dennis counsel, the increase in immigration has resulted in greater diversity of both patients and practitioners within the United States, rather than in traditional urban locations.

Thus Small and Dennis remind the nurse that it is not simply enough to treat the patient, but the patient must also understand his or her illness in culturally comprehensible terms. A nurse must be able to communicate to…. Jan-Feb, "Incorporating cultural diversity in nursing care: an action plan" The ABNF Journal. Abstract In this paper, I will reflect on my responses to the Cultural Proficiency Receptivity Scale. I will tell what my responses tell you about myself and my preparedness as an aspiring school counselor. In this paper, I will also address cultural diversity and if there is a lack of it in my school. Cultural Proficiency Receptivity Scale After answering the questions on my preparedness as an aspiring school counselor I feel that overall, I am prepared to respond to cultural diversity concerns and issues in my school.

I am convinced that if I fail to make an effort towards ensuring that my students are educated beyond the bare minimum, I would not be fully meeting their needs. Australia, indigenous people recognize themselves as belonging to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or by descent, and also identified as the same by the society. A resistance has been observed in them to access hospitals for healthcare. Therefore, healthcare professionals need to plan, implement and maintain appropriate policies for their treatment. Also, cross-cultural awareness training should be given to paediatric hospital staff. The poor health status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians is well documented, and has been the subject of official policy and program attention for many years.

The mainstream health system has responded to increased funding and clear portfolio responsibility, with increasing attention to the burden of illness that Aboriginal people experience and the need for effective health care Dwyer et al. I would thus make arrangement for proper…. References Ansuya. Transcultural Nursing: Cultural Competence in Nurses. International Journal of Nursing Education, Volume 4 1 , pp. Owning Solutions: A Collaborative Model to Improve Quality in Hospital Care for Aboriginal Australians. Nursing Inquiry, Volume 19 2 , pp. Hospitals Caring for Rural Aboriginal Patients: Holding Response and Denial.

Australian Health Review, Volume 38 5 , pp. Travelling to the City for Hospital Care: Access Factors in Country Aboriginal Patient Journeys. Australian Journal of Rural Health, Volume 22 3 , pp. Cultural Counselor Being a counselor can sometimes be a really tough job. Counseling can only be effective and beneficial when the counselor places himself or herself in the shoes of his or her client. If he or she is unable to do so, he or she will never become an effective counselor. Placing oneself in the circumstances of someone else is not easy, let alone placing oneself in the shoes of a person who is of a different race, religion or culture.

That is the real test of a counselor. In this paper I shall discuss what is required to understand the cross-cultural relationships in counseling to help the client get over their problem easily. All the dimensions pertaining to counseling of a client of a different background that the counselor will discussed with the case scenario. Case Scenario When clients and counselors have different cultural or ethnic or racial …. References: Cannon, E. Crethar, Hugh C. And Ratts, Manivong J. htm Another aspect of representation, however, concerns collective memory and the representation of a shared past. Through the context for dialogue they create, social movements facilitate the interweaving of individual stories and biographies into a collective, unified frame, a collective narrative.

Part and parcel of the process of collective identity or will formation is the linking of diverse experiences into a unity, past as well as present. Social movements are central to this process, not only at the individual level, but also at the organizational or meso level of social interaction. Institutions like the black church and cultural artifacts like blues music may have embodied and passed on collective memories from generation to generation, but it was through social movements that even these diverse collective memories attained a more unified focus, linking individuals and collectives into a unified subject, with a common future as well as a…. Resources Cashmore, E.

Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Studies. New York: Routledge. Cha-Jua, S. Summer "Slavery, Racist Violence, American Apartheid: The Case for Reparations" New Politics, htm Dubois, W. Davis, A. There can be several reasons behind this enduring practice. Men and women feel that if parents have chosen someone for them, they would also support them through hard times. We understand that all marriages go through rough patches and some more than others. In these trying times, parents and other family members normally intervene to resolve problems. This is a common practice in India and all countries where arranged marriages are still in practice. However if a person chose to marry someone of their choice, it is very likely that during hard times, others would distance themselves saying; "didn't we already warn you.

The second reason is the ease and convenience that comes with having a partner chosen for you. In the western world, getting married doesn't come easy. References Serena Nanda. Arranging a Marriage in India. From Stumbling Toward Truth: Anthropologists at Work, edited by Philip R. Devita, , pp. Published by Waveland Press. Jodi O'Brien in Robert Kupla edition. Volume 1, Cultural Perceptions of Time in frica Time is a foundational factor in every culture. The perception of time is different for most cultures and the determining factor to those differences is often based on the means of production. Much of the information regarding the development of time concepts in frican culture is colonial and based on the European interlopers recorded ideas.

Some of those recorded ideas are those of missionaries and others are those of capitalist adventurers, with the intermittent mark of a very few true historians. In Mali, as in many other parts of frica, there are…. Akan" is an ethnographic and linguistic term used to refer to a cluster of culturally homogenous groups living in central and southern Ghana and parts of the adjoining eastern Cote d'Ivoire. The Akan constitute two broad subcategories: the inland Asante, Bono, Akyem, Akwapem, and Kwawu, who speak the Twi, and the coastal Fante, who speak a dialect of the same name. The Akan dialects are, for the most part, mutually intelligible. Most of these ethnic groups constituted autonomous political systems in the pre-colonial period. Beyond early sparse references by Rattray and Danquah , a full-length monograph on the subject did not appear until Deborah Fink "Time and Space Measurements of the Bono of Ghana" ; however, the author's primary concern was with the applicability of Bono terminologies for measuring volume, weight, and time to formal education, rather than with time-marking systems P.

Bartle brief five-page paper, "Forty Days: The Akan Calendar" , was an exploratory essay into a single calendrical framework, the day adaduanan cycle. Its treatment is consequently restrictive and limited to the day calendrical structure. Similarly, Tom McCaskie "Time and the Calendar in Nineteenth-Century Asante: An Exploratory Essay" and Ivor Wilks ' "On Mentally Mapping Greater Asante: A Study of Time and Motion" are concerned primarily with a specific aspect of time: the scheduling of diplomatic and other governmental business in Asante. Adjaye , Cultural Artifact Mental Health Drugs as Panacea A culture is made up of people who have developed the same language or at least dialect of a larger language , art forms, religion, and other means of distinguishing one group from another.

It can be said that all groups have a certain culture that they have established by which they are constrained. For example, a company develops a culture that is specific to it, and that culture governs everyone who works at, or is affiliated with, that company. In ethnic terms, a culture will define the ways in which one ethnic grouping is different from another. Although certain groupings may have similar languages, religions and ways of doing things, they will also have differences which distinguish them. In the same way that different species of birds are characterized by slight differences in appearance or location, people are grouped by the culture from….

References Cottone, R. Paradigms of counseling and psychotherapy, revisited: Is social constructionism a paradigm? Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 29 3 , Haylock, B. Resilience education and drug information. Australian Screen Education, 38, Sharav, V. Screening for mental illness: The merger of eugenics and the drug industry. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 7 2 , Major depression clinical depression. First, they can avoid cultural stereotyping simply by becoming aware of the issue in principle. Generally, the mere awareness of the issue and of its importance is likely to reduce any practitioner's tendency to succumb to cultural stereotyping.

econd, nurses and other healthcare professionals can avoid cultural stereotyping by committing themselves to learning about different cultures and corresponding cultural sensibilities and expectations that are functions of cultural differences. In principle, professional practitioners who make that commitment tend to learn the most about different cultures and make the most conscientious effort to apply that knowledge in their everyday nursing responsibilities and practice. ources Consulted Mixer,. Taylor, C. Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and cience of Nursing Care. Philadelphia, PA:…. Sources Consulted Mixer, S.

Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins. Schwartz Values -- Conformity Again, a paradigm shift between the old traditional ways and the new seeing more Western influence Tend to conform and obey clearer rules and structures; obeying parents, preserving the world as it is; no drastic changes. Former ally, urban non-conformist versus rural conformist ; now non-conforming groups, fringe groups, opinions, blogs, political parties, social networking, clubs, etc. abound -- diversity is king; but there is a confrontation in this with advertising and media, which seeks to "sell" conformity in image.

EFEENCES Hodgetts,. International Management: Culture, Strategy and Behavior. New York: McGraw Hill. Hofstede, G. Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. House, et. Cultural Influences on Leadership and Organizations. Project Globe. pdf Killick, D. pdf Knoppen, D. And Saris, W. The study reveals the ways culture and religion intersect with gender, and in fact the authors base their research on the theory of intersectionality. White privilege, gender, and any other issue related to social justice and personal consciousness is situational.

Each individual will experience race, class, gender, power, religion, and ethnicity in different ways.

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