Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Mother earth essay

Mother earth essay

Let us come mother earth essay to protect this majestic animal and return its land. Don't misuse precious water and electricity. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies, mother earth essay. The renewable resources include the sunlight, wind, soil etc. As a result, their chances of being hunted or killed also rise.

Essay on Earth 200 Words in English

Suresh is an amateur astronomer, geologist, environmentalist, and science enthusiast. He has received many national awards. Our Earth is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. As far as we know, Earth is the only planet that has life. Before A. But since humans developed cities and industries, the modern lifestyle has changed. Man has been using and misusing natural resources up to the limit. Now we are tearing up remote corners of the planet looking for crude oil and coal, and our forests and wild animals are disappearing. Our environment is totally polluted: we drink polluted waterinhale air full of dust, and eat food with traces of pesticides and other toxic chemicals.

Hence we are suffering from diseases. As a result of human activities, the ozone layer has a hole, the sea is rising, and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland are melting. Now global warming is warning us that climate change is not a hoax and it is coming. Mother Earth is in danger; life on Earth is in danger. Let us come together to save our life-giving and life-saving Mother Earth. The evolution of people and animals was only possible because of plants. Plants are the mother earth essay of the food mother earth essay and the source of energy for almost all life on Earth.

Forests are ancient, mature communities of plants and animals, with homes and places for thousands of species. Forests give us oxygen, food, shelter, medicines, fuel, and furniture. Forests protect us from the heat of the sun, and from wind, cold, and rain. Forests maintain the balance of nature, mother earth essay environment, the climate, the weather, and the composition of the atmosphere. As a matter of fact, forests are our life. But what are we doing? We are destroying the forestsmeaning we are destroying our life and our future. All the problems we face today are made worse by deforestation. If we are thinking beings, we must save plants and forests, mother earth essay, because they save us.

Our Earth belongs to all living things, if it belongs to any of them. But we overpowered many species and killed them for our use. Now thousands of species are extinct because their habitat is gone. As a matter of fact, these animals, birds, and insects have actually built a better environment for us, provided us with so many things: they are not just creatures, but mother earth essay real creators of nature. We are here on Earth because they are here on Earth. If they are gone, we will also be gone. So the only wise thing to do is to save wildlife and its habitat. Through deforestation, urbanization, industrialization, and pollution, our environment is being destroyed. Flows of energy, nutrients, and other elements are disrupted. Global warming and climate change are the major threats to Earth and all human beings.

Due to carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted by civilization, heat is building up in the atmosphere at a rate not seen for tens of millions of years. Levels of air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, and food contamination are high, mother earth essay. Human interference has brought nature close to destruction. Now we all must come together to prevent pollution and save the environment and humankind. All these environmental changes are warnings of global destruction. Now we all must become aware of these consequences. The evidence is disturbing: we mother earth essay destroying our Earth and environment.

Change your unnatural lifestyle to the extent you can. Use a bicycle as much as possible. Don't misuse precious water and electricity. Don't use plastics when you can avoid it. The tiger is an important top carnivore, and the most beautiful animal on Earth, but it is on the brink of extinction. Only tigers survive in India. Let us come together to protect this majestic animal and return its land. The world of today belongs to humans. What are the rights of animals, birds, insects and other living things? NONE: they have no rights, mother earth essay. But why? They are the original residents of this Earth.

We have built cities and forced the animals to leave their homes, mother earth essay. Then we made our cities dirty, overpopulated, and mother earth essay. Industrialisation gave us air pollution, dust, tainted water, noise, mother earth essay, and garbage. Cities have changed into heat islands, changing the weather patterns around them. If we do not do something to change this, not even humans will be able to live in cities, mother earth essay, let alone other creatures. So here I suggest an "Eco-Cities Project. US Department of Commerce Earth Systems Research Laboratory. Global warming and unpredictable shifts in climate are global problems.

They affect every creature on Earth, and are caused by human actions all over the world. It will take global action by governments, on a war footing, to change the habits and beliefs and technologies that cause civilizations to emit greenhouse gases. It's possible that disrupted ocean circulation due to climate change could bring cold weather to Europe. It's certain that the greenhouse effect will change the weather in ways we aren't prepared for. This content reflects the personal opinions of the author.

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They affect every creature on Earth, and are caused by human actions all over the world. It will take global action by governments, on a war footing, to change the habits and beliefs and technologies that cause civilizations to emit greenhouse gases. It's possible that disrupted ocean circulation due to climate change could bring cold weather to Europe. It's certain that the greenhouse effect will change the weather in ways we aren't prepared for. This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. Social Issues. Law Enforcement. US Politics. World Politics. Social Issues Government US Politics Economy World Politics Activism. Save Our Mother Earth Our Earth is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. Read More From Soapboxie. How Socially Responsible Banks Are Changing the World of Banking.

The Only GOP Platform is to Appease One Man's Malignant Narcissism. Related Articles. By Lory Rich. By Kelley Marks. By Jennifer Gonzales. By Stella Kaye. By mariekbloch. By Chuck Nugent. By greenerme. By Jorge Cruz. By Melis Ann. By Wesman Todd Shaw. By Susette Horspool. By Nila Eslit. com, Sep 18, Accessed January 7, com , Sep Even coming from a Catholic background, Terrence McNally, a gay playwright, never felt that being a homosexual was wrong. I think something. Bastard out of Carolina is a novel written by Dorothy Allison; it is a poignant story which speaks about love, family, pain, suffering—and the ultimate price of happiness.

In this. My background and how it has not hindered my learning English language. I come from a Jewish Italian parent but it has not affected me or my language as. More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of saving mother earth. Indeed, the sense of urgency behind the drive to save the environment is stronger than ever. With all the students having a difficulty in coping with their lessons, Mother tongue-based multilingual education may be helpful or not in solving this problem. It is often said that life is about dreaming, and hoping and learning. As a child, I dreamed of only one thing — to be successful in everything- to be. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.

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