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Essay on same sex marriage

Essay on same sex marriage

Homosexual couples are asking for the same legal status as other couples. Moreover, it is not important for a child to have a father and a mother because there are other places in which they actively interact with people of different sexes, essay on same sex marriage. Same-sex marriage and negative externalities. The public although divided on the topic, have a majority of supporting votes. Gay Marriage Marriage Same Sex Marriage.

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Essay on Same Sex Marriage: With changing times, the definition of the institution of marriage has taken an altered meaning. When a person marries another person from the same sex, it is called same-sex marriage. People have all rights to love and marry people irrespective of their gender. It maintains their individuality and creates an open-minded society. It is a big boon to the LGBT community to lead dignified lives. India is yet to accept same-sex marriages. Same-sex marriage is the marriage of two people belonging to the same gender. With time, newer forms of relationships have been recognized widely in this world, essay on same sex marriage.

Same-sex marriage also known as gay marriage has always been unconventional. The reason behind it is people have stigmatised this topic. Throughout the history of humankind, homosexuals gay people have been treated differently by various communities. Conventional views and beliefs have made people oppose same-sex marriage, essay on same sex marriage. Some people question their authority. Hence, this has always been a much-debated topic amongst the masses. Love comes in many forms. No matter what age, no matter what gender, love is love. The term sexual orientation can be defined as the sexual identity of a person in terms of the gender they are attracted to.

We live in a new era where people do not hide their sexuality. Moreover, to restrict a person from marrying someone sharing the same gender is quite wrong. With time, people have started realizing and accepting this. Instead of avoiding this topic, our society needs to appreciate all kinds of people. That way, we will be glad to live in a world where everyone feels content and safe. Prohibiting same-sex marriages is an act of discrimination. We are all humans who are naturally marked with the trait to choose the person we love. There is no denying to this fact. Marriage is important to many families. It gives us the benefits of joint ownership of properties, tax filing status, adopting a child, insurance, and much more.

The ability to make critical decisions during medical emergencies also falls into this category. All of these things are ordinary and accessible to heterosexual couples, essay on same sex marriage. However, homosexuals who cannot legally marry each other are deprived of these rights. For example, if a gay couple gets into an accident, and one of them needs surgery, the partner may not be given the visitation rights to stay in the hospital. This happens because he or she is not an immediate family member or the spouse of the patient. Same-sex marriage is important in many ways. People can finally own their identity and individuality. Being gay and having to live a heterosexual life certainly is torture. People do that due to societal pressure and lead a fake life, essay on same sex marriage.

Some are even forced to marry their partner belonging to the opposite sex. It makes you wonder if same-sex marriage should be legalised, essay on same sex marriage. When a person starts realizing their sexual orientation, they often feel contradicted. They have to choose between the positive and the negative outlooks of homosexuality. When they disclose their orientation, they often experience an identity crisis. Some can handle it while others are traumatised by the social stigma. For about a decade, homosexuals have been fighting for their rights. They have already suffered a lot. Same-sex marriage gives them hope to dream about a happy life. They deserve to be able to spend the rest of their lives with the people they love irrespective of their sexuality.

The concept of same-sex marriage is yet to be accepted in many nations, including India. In India, the laws are strict against this. People also lack a positive essay on same sex marriage on the issue. Our society is not as adaptable as the other nations, and it still needs a lot of time to approve it. However, we have made some progress. Section of the Indian penal code criminalised homosexuality. Inthe Supreme Court of India removed this for good. This was a positive step taken to end the discrimination against the LGBTQ community. People who oppose same-sex marriage believe that it threatens the purity of marriage. They question its motive fearing it would violate the existing social customs. Further, most religions consider essay on same sex marriage a sin. The most important thing about a marriage is the consent of the two adults.

The biggest threat to the sacredness of marriage is not homosexuality but a divorce. Homosexuals want to get married for the same reason as heterosexuals. And the divorce rate has dropped in the states of the USA where same-sex essay on same sex marriage is legal. Alaska was the first US state to ban gay marriage in And since then the divorce cases have been rising significantly over 17 percent. Reader Interactions Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar HOME UPSC State Civil Services Indian Polity Notes Essay for UPSC SCERT Textbooks NCERT Books NCERT Books For Class 1 NCERT Books For Class 2 NCERT Books For Class 3 NCERT Books For Class 4 NCERT Books For Class 5 NCERT Books For Class 6 NCERT Books For Class 7 NCERT Books For Class 8 NCERT Books For Class 9 NCERT Books For Class Table of Contents.

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Marriage is a cultural symbol, part of a cultural model typical for Western civilization. Americans are profoundly divided when it comes to the question about same-gender marriage. Supporters of the idea want a judicial declaration of their rights. Those, who are opposed to the idea want an amendment which prohibits from recognizing same-sex marriages. Disagreements seem to be never-ending and profound. It seems that more and more states tend to support the issue. After the growth of gay rights movement in s homosexuality got public attention and became something if not acceptable than at least tolerated and less stereotyped.

Now it is constantly being advertised and promoted in mass media. The number of its advocates grows respectively. According to Nate Silver From to , public support for gay marriage increased at a rate of 1 to 1. Netherlands was the first country to officially legalize same-sex marriage in By now, with recent decision of Rhode Island, same-gender marriage is legalized in 10 American states. Fifty years ago themes on homosexuality were prohibited in Hollywood movies, attitudes change, and nowadays media is one of the most effective tools of its propaganda. Now opponents of same-sex marriage are being criticized, blamed to be full of unreasonable prejudice, stigmatized as bigots with narrow secular ideology only because they are trying to preserve traditional norms and values which they grew up on.

Debate over the current topic has been one of the prominent issues of our society for past few decades. The question about legalizing same-sex marriages is very ambivalent. It brings a lot of arguments draws drastic emotions. I still believe that opposite-sex marriage is the only appropriate norm of marriage. Every child should have a right for a normal traditional family, should have a right for having a mommy and a daddy because the quality of their nurture and upbringing is directly tied to the quality of life within society. We have to promote the image of stable family, healthy environment for raising children, sufficiency of ethics; we have to preserve traditional moral norms and values.

It is not about discrimination or intolerance, homosexuality exists and we have to accept this fact, but its legal recognition will mean its support and promotion. As a society we have to seek to preserve and strengthen the institution of marriage. In this way we are strengthening our future and future of our children. That is why I am completely against same-sex marriage and its legalization. Andryszewski, Tricia. Same-Sex Marriage: Moral Wrong or Civil Right? Same-Sex Marriage and Religion: An Inappropriate Relationship. A Journal of Undergraduate Work. Vol 1, No 3, Chauncey, George. Why Marriage? Same-Sex Marriage: Legal Mobilization, and the Politics of Law.

New York: Peter Lang, Morgan, Patricia. Gay marriage will destabilise family life, sociologist warns. The Telegraph, Mar McKinney, Jack. A Christian Case For Same-Sex Marriage. In Baird and Rosenbaum, eds. New York: Prometheus Books, Silver, Nate. Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage Appears to Shift at Accelerated Pace. com, Aug. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner. Please note that we cannot guarantee that unsubstantiated claims will be satisfied. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance.

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After ten years struggle, the situation of the same-sex marriage has been much better, which are a lot of states recognized same-sex…. year of marriage equality because that same-sex marriage has become legal nationwide in the U. On June 26, state-level bans of same-sex marriage were judged as violating the Equal Protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U. Constitution by the United State Supreme Court. On the other words, same-sex couples got the legally protected right of getting married as well as what different-sex couples have in the U. S from that time on. Traditionally, marriage is a matter of couples…. The ads of proposition 8 both portrayed a different message of whether same sex marriage should continue to be valid or recognized in California.

A yes vote on this measure means that citizens are against recognizing same sex marriage in California. The yes ad on proposition 8 portrays the idea of recognizing same sex marriage as something that will cause multiple consequences such as impacting churches, children, adoption, etc. The participants of the ad use strong vocabulary to show that same…. Court of the United States declared that same-sex marriage is a protected right of the United States Constitution in all 50 states. Before this decision, gay marriage was only legal in 37 states and Washington DC, but was not allowed in the other thirteen.

Proponents of this controversial topic say that preventing homosexuals from marrying is…. they were insulted, discriminated, beaten and isolated from society. They were the ones being shamed for what they were, and made to believe that what they felt towards another individual was morally wrong and against humanity. Over the past decades same-sex relations were never considered, until same-sex marriage was approved as law in all 50 states. This had allowed the threshold of gay rights to become expanded; resulting in many gay marriages at a certain period, this is presented by the…. During her speech, Maureen Walsh delivers three intimate and moralizing stories to impress upon her colleagues the idea that denying marriage because of sexual orientation is against human….

make a profit. The article discusses the legal struggle of Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, a Lakewood, Colorado bakery, his stance on same-sex marriage and the effects on his business. Phillips was requested by Charlie Craig and David Mullins a same-sex couple to bake a wedding cake for them. According to Mr. Phillips, who is a born-again Christian, he cannot and will not design desserts for same-sex weddings. Phillips cites his Christian beliefs in that it would be a…. This argument is not valid and hence unsound.

The first two premises are not in agreement with the third premise. The first two are in agreement with heterosexual marriages but the third argument is a contradiction of the first two. Arguments against same-sex marriage concentrate on four themes: Same-sex marriage is contrary to custom, tradition, or nature; according to ethics, people in the society have not accepted the marriage of the same sex. It is a distortion of the true meaning or…. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Same Sex Marriage Essay.

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