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Essay on performance management

Essay on performance management

For an organization to stay on top in the competitive world, it is necessary to practice performance management. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Brand, essay on performance management. Public organizations in the Gulf Cooperation Council nations practice performance management. Topic: CommunicationWorkplaceDevelopmentEmployeeManagementBehaviorGoalsOrganization. Home — Essay Samples — Business — Management — Performance Management. Email Please enter a valid email.


This website uses cookies to provide you with the most relevant information, essay on performance management. Please accept cookies for better performance. Read more ». With the current dynamic economic world, organizations have adopted strategic management systems to stay competitive, essay on performance management. Organizations in both the private and public sectors apply this system. The paper discusses the concept of performance management and its application in the private sector. The paper also analyzes how public organizations in the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council GCCsuch as the United Arab Emirates, and the other countries apply this concept.

Performance management is crucial to the essay on performance management of an organization for a myriad of reasons, essay on performance management. When an employee receives feedback about his performance and realizes that the organization recognizes his hard work, he becomes motivated to accomplish more in the future Aguinis, When an employee feels appreciated at the firm because of his work, it consequently improves his self-esteem. Another importance of performance management is its role in providing insight into the achievements of employees. Performance management also assists employees to understand their strengths and weaknesses better.

Having this knowledge helps to identify future career trails for the workers. The company then uses the information for adopting different strategies, such as promotion, transfers, and terminations. It ensures fair distribution of rewards in an organization Aguinis, Through performance appraisals, matters such as equal treatment of employees are addressed Aguinis, It helps to prevent a situation of subjective performance evaluations that have not been noted down that consequently end up causing legal issues. Performance management in the private sector is achievable through the use of essay on performance management models. One essay on performance management the examples is the performance appraisal model.

The system helps to identify the weaknesses and strengths of an employee. However, essay on performance management, some performance appraisals are usually not formal. Another model of performance management used by organizations in the private sector is management by objectives. The balanced scorecard is another standard model of performance management. The model measures the performance of an organization by using a multi-dimensional performance measurement system. It includes four performance indices. They are the fiscal, customers, domestic and processes on learning.

Benchmarking is also an effective performance management model used by organizations in the private sector. A company uses the model to compare its performance with that of another similar or competitor organization. In public organizations, performance management focuses on establishing more valid indices that are useful to measure the operation of employees in a public company. It also aims to improve the effectiveness of public services Talbot, Public organizations essay on performance management the Gulf Cooperation Council nations practice performance management.

The application of performance management in these public organizations has led to an improvement in efficiency and revenue growth. For example in Oman, essay on performance management, public organizations use the performance appraisal model. Also to boost the performance of public workers, the Oman government in increased the minimum salary of employees by 3 percent. The government of Bahrain has also followed this example. The GCC nations also use the benchmarking model where they compare the performances of public organizations within the region. It is a preferred system in public organizations because the organizations are not competing and are open to sharing of information Talbot, The collaborative learning helps to improve the functioning of the organizations.

Public organizations in the United Arab Emirates have adopted the E-Performance model. By streamlining the process of performance management into a web-based solution, the organization is able to monitor its performance and to reduce unnecessary costs. Public organizations in the UAE also use the Abu Dhabi Accountability Authority performance management model launched by the government. The system coordinates and monitors the performance of the U. E ministries and public agencies. Public organizations around the world prefer to use the balanced scorecard in performance management. It is determined by the fact that as these organizations are responsible for achieving multiple goals during the same period, they are under pressure to improve performance outcomes. In public organizations, the model operates by re-arranging the four indices so that the customer index is given priority at the top of the hierarchy.

The model is effective in public organizations as it provides managers with information needed to measure the performance of the organization and to direct improvements where necessary. For an organization to stay on top in the competitive world, it is necessary to practice performance management. Performance management is applicable through different models, such as the performance appraisal system, the benchmarking system, and the balanced scorecard, essay on performance management. Although initially meant for use in the private sector, public organizations have adopted this system to assist in improving efficiency in the workplaces.

The GCC countries prefer the benchmarking model. Public organizations in the UAE use advanced technological models that also conduct benchmarking in performance management. Other public organizations in the world such as the City of Charlotte prefer to use the balanced scorecard model in performance management. All these models have helped to increase the performance of organizations. Writer level High School College University Master's PHD. Urgency 11 days 9 days 7 days 5 days 4 days 3 days 48 hours 24 hours 12 hours 8 hours 6 hours 3 hours Order:

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It ensures fair distribution of rewards in an organization Aguinis, Through performance appraisals, matters such as equal treatment of employees are addressed Aguinis, It helps to prevent a situation of subjective performance evaluations that have not been noted down that consequently end up causing legal issues. Performance management in the private sector is achievable through the use of different models. One of the examples is the performance appraisal model. The system helps to identify the weaknesses and strengths of an employee. However, some performance appraisals are usually not formal. Another model of performance management used by organizations in the private sector is management by objectives. The balanced scorecard is another standard model of performance management.

The model measures the performance of an organization by using a multi-dimensional performance measurement system. It includes four performance indices. They are the fiscal, customers, domestic and processes on learning. Benchmarking is also an effective performance management model used by organizations in the private sector. A company uses the model to compare its performance with that of another similar or competitor organization. In public organizations, performance management focuses on establishing more valid indices that are useful to measure the operation of employees in a public company. It also aims to improve the effectiveness of public services Talbot, Public organizations in the Gulf Cooperation Council nations practice performance management.

The application of performance management in these public organizations has led to an improvement in efficiency and revenue growth. For example in Oman, public organizations use the performance appraisal model. Also to boost the performance of public workers, the Oman government in increased the minimum salary of employees by 3 percent. The government of Bahrain has also followed this example. The GCC nations also use the benchmarking model where they compare the performances of public organizations within the region. It is a preferred system in public organizations because the organizations are not competing and are open to sharing of information Talbot, The collaborative learning helps to improve the functioning of the organizations. Public organizations in the United Arab Emirates have adopted the E-Performance model.

By streamlining the process of performance management into a web-based solution, the organization is able to monitor its performance and to reduce unnecessary costs. Public organizations in the UAE also use the Abu Dhabi Accountability Authority performance management model launched by the government. The system coordinates and monitors the performance of the U. The assessment of individual performance will be based on the following performance evaluation metrics —. The feedback provided during appraisals will be based on these performance evaluation parameters. Feedback delivery mechanism adopted should act as a positive reinforcement rather than create negative feelings among employees.

Applying motivational statements and reinforcing high standards of work can have a positive impact on the employee performance. These discussions should encourage open and honest communication between the employees and the managers and based on observation and performance statistics. The appraisal and feedback system requires intensive training to the line managers that will stress the importance, relevance and the right approach to be adopted during these sessions. This training module will help the managers to develop skills for taking appraisals and providing effective feedback to their teams.

Training and development workshops for employees The existing business environment has increased the need for creativity and proactive behavior from employees. Training and development programs provide the employees with the opportunity to learn or upgrade their skills according to the business needs and requirements. This has made learning and personal development programs for managers and staff highly critical within an organization. LaRoche will implement intensive training and development program for their employees. A team of experts will be responsible for assimilating training information and content management.

The training provided to the employees will be of two types —. Some of the soft skills training programs will make use of the Intranet and online learning groups to make effective use of time and resources for the employees. The e-learning modules can be taken from anywhere through the use of company Intranet. The employees on induction into the company will go through a week long induction program that will familiarize the new recruits with company policies and procedures, expected behavior and work environment supported by the organization. Communication skills within the organization include written communication, verbal, listening, visual, and presentation skills. The company will attend to the development of effective communication skills among the employees and for this purpose various training and development workshops will be introduced.

Besides training workshops the company will encourage frequent team meets, group activities, one to one sessions with the line manager, presentations, staff feedback survey and management interaction sessions to promote transparency and encourage flow of information uniformly through the various departments and levels within the organization. Training programs should be relevant to the context and employees should have the opportunity to try these skills learnt at the workplace. The primary objective behind these training and development programs is to fulfill the employee needs to grow and develop with the company and a successful program will help the company to retain employees over a longer period of time.

Rewards and recognition program Rewarding an employee with financial compensation is a form of motivation that is intended to increase productivity and encourage others within the organization to strive harder to reach the specified performance targets. Rewarding the employee on the basis of his productivity or performance generates enthusiasm and interest within the employee to perform better. Moreover, this approach tends to increase the level of motivation encouraging him to perform better. The amount of financial compensation being provided as incentive should meet the extent of hard work required to reach the desired level of performance. An intrinsic part of rewards and compensation strategy is performance management that seeks excellence and high quality work from the work force.

However, it is critical that the management defines tangible yardsticks for measuring performance within the team. The evaluation parameters include quantum of work done, error rates, proactive approach, innovativeness and teamwork. Implementing this kind of system requires three essential components that the human resource department should consider. Recognizing the work and efforts of an employee is a powerful motivating factor. Announcing a star performer and recognizing his efforts at work in public is one such measure that businesses should adopt. The La Roche management should consider implementing a fair rewards and recognition system as discussed above to motivate employees and enhance performance standards. Communication Plan The LaRoche management will have the responsibility of communicating the changes and incorporation of the PMS within the organization.

The employees should be provided a detailed insight into the PMS system to be adopted, what are its significance, and its implications in the short term and long term on various levels and departments. The management will also provide details of the implementation schedule, current and existing HR practices analysis, expected outcomes of the new system and how it will be implemented within the organization. Metrics for Evaluation of Program The following metrics will be adopted by the company to evaluate the effectiveness of the PMS after six months of launching the program:. Each segment of the PMS will have its own evaluation guidelines and yardsticks to enable accurate reading of employee reaction and suggestions.

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